20 March 2010


I Don't want to be a victim

I don't want to be a victim of yesterday
I don't want to be a victim of the crimes today
I don't want to be a victim of drugs and guns
I am already a victim of life's daily runs

I don't want to be a victim and end being bullied
I don't want to be a victim end up in the street unburied
I don't want to be a victim living on drugs
I'm tired of being a victim and always one of the underdogs

I don't want to be a victim of the credit crunch
I don't want to be a victim like the unfortunate bunch
I don't want to be a victim of racism
I don't want to be a victim and end up in prison

I don't want to be a victim to be pulled from under the rubble
I don't want to be a victim surviving the daily struggle
I don't want to be a victim of circumstances
I'm already a victim of what life encompasses

I don't want to be a victim of the end of time
I don't want to be a victim broke without a dime
I don't want to be a victim of any ill-health
We all want to be a victim of love, happiness, good health & wealth

Ulric Quee

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