08 May 2010


Poverty, is this a sickness?
Poverty, is this a curse?
Poverty, is this death?

I believe it is worse than all these things.
One cant understand if you've never been into it.
Living poor is a hell on earth.
You have no reason to live when you're poor.
No one will treat you right,
You'll be used and abused,
You'll be trashed and tossed about.
People will do whatever they want with you and get away with it freely.
You don't have a place in this world being poor.
I'm sorry, but this is a testimony.
Let us help work together to kill poverty

By: Ulric Quee


I am truly sorry
To make you worry
I know I was wrong
Therefore I don't want you to keep it long

It might be very hard
To live without you, and I feel sad
Please come back and make me happy
Because you know you're my only baby

I'll not fight back nor defend
Neither will I try to pretend
Loosing you will be a great pain
Please come revive my dying heart again

By: Ulric Quee

Living my Life

What is the right way to live my life
Day and night is toil and strife
All around me is nothing but hardship
Death upon my face wiping all hopes away

What is the right way to live my life
Parties, clubs and travelling the world
Least of my worries being the after-world
Remembering that I only have to live once

A new term known as "living my life"
Loads of wake up calls around our eyes
The numerous deaths of loving ones
Is this a call to sober up for the afterlife?

The way I live my life is up to me
None but myself will decide the best
Help me, fix me, tease me, make me
Day by day I'll live my life to the fullest

By: Ulric Quee

Self Confidence

Some say I am too fat,
Am I shy because of that?
Some say I am too ugly,
And for that I thought they were being a bully.

Some call me dark,
Yes I know I am black.
My teeth have straps,
Should I be worried and have a relapse?

Some say I wear glasses,
Indeed I have one, can't I join the masses?
Some say I look weird,
I guess I have all that's required.

I am never too good in your eyes daddy
Everything I have done you've critisized mummy
You're prettier but I too can do well my sister
I can't do a thing you keep knocking me down my brother

The way I look and feel I don't need to defend
And the life I live is not one that I pretend
Love me or hate me don't sit on the fence
I am sorry folks I am full of self confidence

By: Ulric Quee

Do I want to be alone?

You make me cry day in day out
I love you truly without a doubt
I'm feeling so ashamed and betrayed
What really is this that you've portrayed

When you left this morning, it feels so peaceful
Deep inside it is so hurtful
Having you around every second fills me with joy
But when you're around, my peace is destroy

Scared and trapped inside this cone
Asking myself, do I want to be alone?
I must admit I so love you and it is real
This feeling inside is so ethereal

What I have inside is deep to my bone
I am in doubt if it will be de-bone
This step I take is all on my own
No, I am sure I don't want to be alone

By: Ulric Quee