08 May 2010

Do I want to be alone?

You make me cry day in day out
I love you truly without a doubt
I'm feeling so ashamed and betrayed
What really is this that you've portrayed

When you left this morning, it feels so peaceful
Deep inside it is so hurtful
Having you around every second fills me with joy
But when you're around, my peace is destroy

Scared and trapped inside this cone
Asking myself, do I want to be alone?
I must admit I so love you and it is real
This feeling inside is so ethereal

What I have inside is deep to my bone
I am in doubt if it will be de-bone
This step I take is all on my own
No, I am sure I don't want to be alone

By: Ulric Quee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is called mad love