08 May 2010

Self Confidence

Some say I am too fat,
Am I shy because of that?
Some say I am too ugly,
And for that I thought they were being a bully.

Some call me dark,
Yes I know I am black.
My teeth have straps,
Should I be worried and have a relapse?

Some say I wear glasses,
Indeed I have one, can't I join the masses?
Some say I look weird,
I guess I have all that's required.

I am never too good in your eyes daddy
Everything I have done you've critisized mummy
You're prettier but I too can do well my sister
I can't do a thing you keep knocking me down my brother

The way I look and feel I don't need to defend
And the life I live is not one that I pretend
Love me or hate me don't sit on the fence
I am sorry folks I am full of self confidence

By: Ulric Quee

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