05 December 2014

O Captain! My Captain

O Captain! My Captain!

A world so vast controversies so deep
I stand in the world filled with trouble so steep 
I dare not think on my own or I get thrown out at sea
O Captain! My Captain! Where would I be?

O Captain! My Captain! Teach me and guide me to see
That freedom of my thought and will would only endanger me
Why is it so tough for me to be respected as I would want to be
No! Oh! No! My wills and thoughts are and will never be so free

I challenged thee to be the person I want to be
I fought to get this far trying to please you in all that you ask
Every minute of every passing hour you set out my path as a task
This life is one and only this one time I ask to be me

O Captain! My Captain! through your eyes I see the beauties
In your smile and warm heart I see freedom in rare realities
Pick me up and sail away with me to that land free of worries
O Captain! My Captain! In your ways will I set out my stories…

By: Ulric Quee


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