08 May 2010


Poverty, is this a sickness?
Poverty, is this a curse?
Poverty, is this death?

I believe it is worse than all these things.
One cant understand if you've never been into it.
Living poor is a hell on earth.
You have no reason to live when you're poor.
No one will treat you right,
You'll be used and abused,
You'll be trashed and tossed about.
People will do whatever they want with you and get away with it freely.
You don't have a place in this world being poor.
I'm sorry, but this is a testimony.
Let us help work together to kill poverty

By: Ulric Quee


I am truly sorry
To make you worry
I know I was wrong
Therefore I don't want you to keep it long

It might be very hard
To live without you, and I feel sad
Please come back and make me happy
Because you know you're my only baby

I'll not fight back nor defend
Neither will I try to pretend
Loosing you will be a great pain
Please come revive my dying heart again

By: Ulric Quee

Living my Life

What is the right way to live my life
Day and night is toil and strife
All around me is nothing but hardship
Death upon my face wiping all hopes away

What is the right way to live my life
Parties, clubs and travelling the world
Least of my worries being the after-world
Remembering that I only have to live once

A new term known as "living my life"
Loads of wake up calls around our eyes
The numerous deaths of loving ones
Is this a call to sober up for the afterlife?

The way I live my life is up to me
None but myself will decide the best
Help me, fix me, tease me, make me
Day by day I'll live my life to the fullest

By: Ulric Quee

Self Confidence

Some say I am too fat,
Am I shy because of that?
Some say I am too ugly,
And for that I thought they were being a bully.

Some call me dark,
Yes I know I am black.
My teeth have straps,
Should I be worried and have a relapse?

Some say I wear glasses,
Indeed I have one, can't I join the masses?
Some say I look weird,
I guess I have all that's required.

I am never too good in your eyes daddy
Everything I have done you've critisized mummy
You're prettier but I too can do well my sister
I can't do a thing you keep knocking me down my brother

The way I look and feel I don't need to defend
And the life I live is not one that I pretend
Love me or hate me don't sit on the fence
I am sorry folks I am full of self confidence

By: Ulric Quee

Do I want to be alone?

You make me cry day in day out
I love you truly without a doubt
I'm feeling so ashamed and betrayed
What really is this that you've portrayed

When you left this morning, it feels so peaceful
Deep inside it is so hurtful
Having you around every second fills me with joy
But when you're around, my peace is destroy

Scared and trapped inside this cone
Asking myself, do I want to be alone?
I must admit I so love you and it is real
This feeling inside is so ethereal

What I have inside is deep to my bone
I am in doubt if it will be de-bone
This step I take is all on my own
No, I am sure I don't want to be alone

By: Ulric Quee

03 April 2010

My Love @ a Distance

My love lies way in a distance
so sweet when i think of the instance
her cute face mash up my resistance
truly your love take full dominance

My heart beats faster at your thought
with you smile my problem's sort
feeling I'm in some type of resort
where i think of nothing else but your comfort

my wish is to love you more
the feeling's too strong i cant hold anymore
i want to be with you now and forevermore
te amo! te amo! mi amor

By: Ulric Quee

Wars & Fighting

What in the world is fun in these words
people always trend and happy about it like rewards
truthfully it hurts when i see people are given awards
for such pains, cruelty and even death to others

every second a life is taken in wars and fighting
yet we're doing nothing to make things lighten
the lives of those truly affected aren't delighted
yet total ignorance of tomorrows world with anguished kids

Stop the killings and start rebuilding
the bloods that has been and is shedding
is more than enough to tell the stories
of a once rootless and heartless memories

it's nothing but destruction
total illusion and distraction
a formation of absolute misconception
erupting in the face of our generation

By: Ulric Quee

Loving You

you seem so distracted
but your looks so attracted
it caught me, that i want to interact
with you and i cant act
your inner beauty makes more impact
that leaves me no option
but loving you...

i always idolize
your beauty and cant stop to fantasize
you've put me in a constant dream
like the big rock by the stream
that nothing can shake from the realm
24/7 i just cant do a thing
but loving you...

please come and release me
please come and set me free
i want nothing more but your love
as pure and white like a dove
humble and strong up above
nothing matters much
than loving you...

By: Ulric Quee


Its very hard to believe
and never could imagine
all the pains you've relieve
from this heart of mine

Twas with great respect
A man was brought to the state
You were the main aspect
That i thought twas never too late

Embedded into my mind body and soul
Nothing was as good as a dream
Giving me an aim to an ultimate goal
Please accommodate me to the brim

Yes everything has been about you
Sleep and wake is all in you
Dreams and thoughts is all of you
if life's worth living then it's you.

By: Ulric Quee

Face of Love

Of what substance was thou made of
even when the heart seems rough
and circumstances so tough
a look at your face
can totally replace
the sorrows that was in place

you're beautiful than words can say
even time itself cannot relay
truly i can spend the day
imagining your cheerful smile
oh, how great will it be to go the mile
to have and always keep you by my side

By: Ulric Quee

20 March 2010



A beauty I once see
A beauty that is free
A beauty to be by always I see
A beauty for me you'll always be.

A beauty not because you're black
A beauty not because you're white
A beauty not because you lack
Just that beauty that turns my darkness to light

A beauty you are I'll always admit
The beauty you are I'll always remit
Soft and tender from inside your heart
I hope and pray it never depart

Through young and Old a beauty you are
Through hard times and comfort tis beauty you share
Through rain and shine a beauty you've been
A lesson I've learnt beauty comes from within

Ulric Quee


Early morning Weed

I woke up early morning by the sea
to a nice smell of some substance i can't see
sweet aroma i raise up my head to the sky
o how i feel so great and high

with the popping sounds of the seed
i then realise this was something indeed
burning through the fingers of a youthful breed
then i realise it was an early morning weed

cool as it may sound
this is something we can't rebound
the love for it is so profound
the love for weed will always abound

Multiple uses it has been researched upon
what's in these leaves that makes it so strong
not with any mixture we can rely on
It's natural the whole world can't be wrong

Ulric Quee


Black is beautiful
It's contradictorily pitiful
How it's been associated with all that's awful
Pain o pain this is so shameful

Black describes the best
Being black doesn't mean unrest
Tho life puts us to a test
One thing's for sure being black means blest

They say black is the bottom of human race
This is been shown as far back as history can trace
On our backs they put these vivid tracks
With whips and or anything we've suffer being blacks

On the backs of blacks all others have stand
Till to date blacks are stronger and have withstand
Bottom is sometimes the greatest of all things
With no bottom there is no top to anything

By: Ulric Quee


I Don't want to be a victim

I don't want to be a victim of yesterday
I don't want to be a victim of the crimes today
I don't want to be a victim of drugs and guns
I am already a victim of life's daily runs

I don't want to be a victim and end being bullied
I don't want to be a victim end up in the street unburied
I don't want to be a victim living on drugs
I'm tired of being a victim and always one of the underdogs

I don't want to be a victim of the credit crunch
I don't want to be a victim like the unfortunate bunch
I don't want to be a victim of racism
I don't want to be a victim and end up in prison

I don't want to be a victim to be pulled from under the rubble
I don't want to be a victim surviving the daily struggle
I don't want to be a victim of circumstances
I'm already a victim of what life encompasses

I don't want to be a victim of the end of time
I don't want to be a victim broke without a dime
I don't want to be a victim of any ill-health
We all want to be a victim of love, happiness, good health & wealth

Ulric Quee

Sierra Leone War in Review


In March 1991, the first shots were fired in the name of the fight against oppression, bad governance, and corrupt leaders. This list extended to every other aspect of bad government one can think of. In April 29 1992, “Tiger” came to town overthrew the “BAD” government in power. With the bad government deposed of and a popular one in its place, there was a great relief and people shouted with jubilation. The stated justification for the war was gone, but the smoke from the barrels didn’t stop.

As time went by and moments unfolded, things became clearer. The conflict took a new turn; a direction none anticipated and in total contrast to the reason it all first began. An era of total destruction commenced. Hell broke loose into a land that was once was the friendliest place you could think of; where people will give strangers their last food, give up their bed and take the floor. It was once a place of total hospitability.

For 10 years running it was death, burning, and destruction; leaving scars that will be seen for generations to come in this once “Athens of West African” heritage. Looking back to past times to see an explanation for all this, no reason can be found. Looking at the end of it all there is a lot to be learnt from what happened: many things to sleep over and reflect upon. When I took some time out to do so, this is what I see…

A plague was brought upon us and people suffered endlessly. Some will not recover until their souls are laid to rest. A few were taken to account in the name of “bringing the perpetrators to justice”. They were tried at the Special Court and charged with “bearing the greatest responsibility” for the atrocities. Have we asked ourselves are they really the only perpetrators? The “perpetrators” are also some of the people we come across everyday in public places, in our neighborhoods, and close to our homes. These are the people who were given a thank you package in the name of “Rehabilitation”, “Reintegration” and “Reconciliation Commission”. It seemed strange to me that they should be rewarded so.

The international community spent millions to bring certain individuals to justice. Why waste the money on “justice” whilst ignoring the needs of the victims? What of the people who ply the streets day in and day out begging to earn a living? Look at the sheds they call house, and look at the diseases they’re suffering living in these slums. Has anyone thought about them for a moment?

Should Sierra Leone need anything at the moment, it is a bridge from the nightmarish war to a better place. We have to say to our children, that a better place can be reached when Sierra Leoneans come together. We should say, this is our home so let us fix it the way we want it, this is my baby let me love her the way she deserves, and this is my all, let me give my all to get my all.

Ulric Quee